Chapter 11.  Extensibility

Table of Contents

Adding Types
External Representation of Values
Serializable Values
Adding Native Bindings
Native Procedures
Fixable Native Procedures
Indexed Native Libraries
Deserializer methods
Serializer methods

Occasionally functionality may be desired that is not easily accomplished at the Scheme level. A new first-class type may be desired, or efficient access to a Java library. SISC provides a simple API for such modifications.

Adding Types

A Scheme value is represented in SISC as a subclass of the abstract Java class

External Representation of Values

In order to be able to display the value in the Scheme system, all Values must implement the display method:

public void display( writer);

Uses the various output methods of to construct an external representation of the given Value suitable for output from the display Scheme function.

If the programmer desires the Value to have a different representation when written with write, the write method must be overridden. If it is not, the output of display is used for write as well.

public void write( writer);

Uses the various output methods of to construct an external representation of the given Value suitable for output from the write Scheme function. If not implemented, the output constructed the by the display method is used as output from write.

Finally, if the external representation of a new Value is likely to be long, the programmer should implement the synopsis method, which generates a summary representation of the value.

public String synopsis(int limit);

Returns approximately limit characters from the printable representation of this value as if returned by write. This method is used for displaying the value in error messages where the entire representation may be superfluous.

The type that is passed as an argument to both display and write contains a number of methods to generate the representation. First there are several methods for appending Java Strings, characters, and SISC Values. In each, the called ValueWriter is returned, to allow for easy chaining of calls.

public append(char c);

Appends a single character to the external representation.

public append(String s);

Appends the contents of a Java String to the external representation.

public append( v);

Appends the contents of a Scheme value to the external representation. The value is converted to an external representation using the print style with which the ValueWriter was constructed (for example, display or write).

In addition to the above append methods, the programmer may wish to force display or write rather than use the same method as the ValueWriter. To do this, one can call the display or write methods on the ValueWriter.

public void display( v);

Appends the external representation of the given value as returned by display.

public void write( v);

Appends the external representation of the given value as returned by write.


If the one wants a Value to be comparable for any more than pointer equality, or for the concept of pointer equality to be less strict than actual pointer equality, one or more of the equality methods must be overridden.

public boolean eq(Object other);

Returns true if another provided Java object is equal in the sense of eq? to this Value.

public boolean valueEqual(Value other);

Returns true if another provided Scheme value is equal in the sense of equal? to this Value.

Serializable Values

If the type that is being added will be serialized in a SISC heap, and it contains one or more member variables, the Value must include a default constructor (a constructor with no arguments), and implement the deserialize, serialize, and visit methods described in the section called “Serialization”.

Adding Native Bindings

One can add native bindings to the Scheme environment by implementing a subclass of the abstract class sisc.nativefun.NativeLibrary. Such a subclass needs to implement four methods:

public String getLibraryName();

Returns the name of this library. The name should also be acceptable for use in filenames.

public float getLibraryVersion();

Returns the version of this library.

public[] getLibraryBindingNames();

Returns an array of the names of the bindings exported by this library. Each name is a Scheme symbol.

public Value getBindingValue( name);

Returns the value of a given binding exported by this library.

Native Procedures

It is possible to implement Scheme functions whose behavior is implemented natively in Java code. Many of SISC's procedures are implemented this way. Native procedures extend the sisc.nativefun.NativeProcedure abstract class. Working NativeProcedure subclasses must implement the doApply method, as described below.

public Value doApply(sisc.interpreter.Interpreter interp);

Perform the necessary computations of the NativeProcedure, returning a Value as the result of the procedure call. The arguments to the procedure can be found in the value rib array field, vlr, of the Interpreter passed as an argument. The number of arguments to the procedure can be found from the length of the array (vlr.length).

If the native procedure wishes to raise an error, it may do so by throwing any Java runtime exception (subclass of java.lang.Runtime). For a more descriptive error, one may raise a SISC error using any of a number of error forms in sisc.util.Util. Consult the source of Util or inquire on the sisc-devel mailinglist for assistance.

Fixable Native Procedures

Often it is unnecessary to have access to the full Interpreter context to implement a native procedure. If the arguments to the procedure are sufficient and the procedure is purely functional (causes no side effects), it is recommended that the programmer create a fixable native procedure. These native procedures may be inlined into generated code when enabled, allowing much faster execution. In addition, the fixable native procedure interface is simpler to use.

The FixableProcedure abstract class consists of five methods which may or may not be subclassed. These five methods correspond to the case of calling the procedure with no, one, two, three, and more than three arguments respectively. Not overriding one of these methods will cause a call to the fixable procedure to throw the invalid number of arguments error to the caller.

public Value apply();

Perform the necessary computations of the FixableNativeProcedure, returning a Value as the result of the procedure call. No argument variant.

public Value apply(Value v1);

Perform the necessary computations of the FixableNativeProcedure, returning a Value as the result of the procedure call. One argument variant.

public Value apply(Value v1,
                   Value v2);

Perform the necessary computations of the FixableNativeProcedure, returning a Value as the result of the procedure call. Two argument variant.

public Value apply(Value v1,
                   Value v2,
                   Value v3);

Perform the necessary computations of the FixableNativeProcedure, returning a Value as the result of the procedure call. Three argument variant.

public Value apply(Value[] v);

Perform the necessary computations of the FixableNativeProcedure, returning a Value as the result of the procedure call. More than three argument variant.

Indexed Native Libraries

In the most common case, a Library is created to define several bindings, including procedures whose implementations are in Java code. For this common case, a skeleton subclass of NativeLibrary, sisc.nativefun.IndexedLibraryAdapter is provided. The IndexedLibraryAdapter class provides implementations for all four required NativeLibrary methods, and introduces a new abstract method which must be implemented, called construct. In addition, the method define is provided.

In an indexed native library, each binding is associated with a Java int unique to that binding within the library. The IndexedLibraryAdapter subclass should in its constructor call define for each binding provided by the library, according to the contract of the method:

public void define(String name,
                   int id);

Register the native binding with the given name, and assign it the given library-unique id.

In implementing the getBindingValue method of the NativeLibrary class, an IndexedLibraryAdapter will call the abstract method construct required by the its subclasses:

public construct(int id);

Return an instance of the indexed binding.

Most frequently, the bindings created in an indexed library are native procedures. In such a case, a second class is created which subclasses sisc.nativefun.IndexedProcedure. IndexedProcedure is subclass of NativeProcedure. An IndexedProcedure subclass' constructor must call the superconstructor with an int, the unique id for that binding. That int is stored in the id field of IndexedProcedure. A subclass can then use the id instance variable to dispatch to many native procedures in the body of the doApply method required by native procedures.

So, typically, an IndexedNativeLibrary subclass is created whose construct method creates instances of IndexedProcedure subclasses. The IndexedNativeLibrary subclass its itself nested in the IndexedProcedure class which it is constructing. See the various indexed libraries in sisc.modules for concrete examples.


SISC provides an API for serializing the state of a running Interpreter. The SISC heap is a dump of the state of an Interpreter with the necessary code to implement R5RS Scheme, for example. In order to facilitate this serialization, SISC Expressions and Values can implement helper methods to define the serialization of the object. If the Expression or Value contains no internal state that need be serialized, the serialization methods may be ignored. If not, the Expression or Value must contain a default (no argument) constructor, and implement the following three methods:

public void serialize(sisc.ser.Serializer serializer)

Serializes the contents of the Expression to the given Serialization context.

public void deserialize(sisc.ser.Deserializer deserializer)

Sets the state of the Expression to the serialized data read from deserializer.

public boolean visit(sisc.util.ExpressionVisitor visitor);

When called, the Expression should call visitor.visit(n) on any nested Expressions.

The Serializer and Deserializer objects implement Java's and interfaces, respectively. This means that you can use any of the write/read functions in those interfaces to serialize the state of your Expression or Value. In addition, a number of methods are provided that are helpful for this domain.

The ExpressionVisitor passed to visit contains only one method, visit, which bears the same contract as the visit above. When called, an Expression would then call the ExpressionVisitor's visit method once for each nested Expression. This method is used during serialization and during printing to detect cycles in data and code structures.

Deserializer methods

public BigInteger readBigInteger()

Reads a BigInteger from the stream.

public BigDecimal readBigDecimal()

Reads a BigDecimal from the stream.

public Class readClass()

Reads a Java Class object from the stream.

public Expression readExpression()

Reads a SISC Expression from the stream.

public Expression readInitializedExpression()

Reads a SISC Expression from the stream, fully initialized. This method should only be used if fields internal to the Expression returned must be available during deserialization.

public[] readExpressionArray()

Reads an array of Expressions from the stream.

public[] readValueArray()

Reads an array of Values from the stream.

public SymbolicEnvironment readSymbolicEnvironment()

Reads a SISC Symbolic Environment from the stream.

Serializer methods

public void writeBigInteger(BigInteger bigint)

Writes a BigInteger to the stream.

public void writeBigDecimal(BigDecimal bigdecim)

Writes a BigDecimal to the stream.

public void writeClass(Class clazz)

Writes a Java Class object to the stream.

public void writeExpression(Expression expr)

Writes a SISC Expression to the stream.

public void writeInitializedExpression(Expression expr)

Writes a SISC Expression to the stream. This method should only be used if fields internal to the Expression returned must be available during deserialization.

public void writeExpressionArray([] ary)

Writes an array of Expressions to the stream.

public void writeValueArray([] ary)

Writes an array of Values to the stream.

public void writeSymbolicEnvironment(SymbolicEnvironment e)

Writes a SISC Symbolic Environment to the stream.