Uses of Class

Packages that use Expression
sisc SISC: The Second Interpreter of Scheme Code 

Uses of Expression in sisc

Subclasses of Expression in sisc
static class REPL.SchemeSocketThread

Uses of Expression in sisc.compiler

Subclasses of Expression in sisc.compiler
 class Syntax

Methods in sisc.compiler that return Expression
static Expression Compiler.application(Interpreter r, Expression rator, Expression[] rands, int context, Pair annotation, SymbolicEnvironment env)
protected  Expression Compiler.compile(Interpreter r, Expression v, Pair sets, sisc.compiler.Compiler.ReferenceFactory rf, int context, SymbolicEnvironment env, Pair an)
 Expression Compiler.compile(Interpreter r, Expression v, SymbolicEnvironment env)
 Expression Compiler.compileApp(Interpreter r, Pair expr, Pair sets, sisc.compiler.Compiler.ReferenceFactory rf, int context, SymbolicEnvironment env, Pair an)
 Expression Compiler.compileLetrec(Interpreter r, Symbol[] formals, Symbol[] lexicals, Expression[] rands, Expression body, Pair sets, sisc.compiler.Compiler.ReferenceFactory rf, SymbolicEnvironment env, int context)
static Expression Compiler.makeFillRib(Interpreter r, Expression lastRand, Expression rand, int pos, Expression nxp, boolean immediate)

Methods in sisc.compiler with parameters of type Expression
static Expression Compiler.application(Interpreter r, Expression rator, Expression[] rands, int context, Pair annotation, SymbolicEnvironment env)
static Expression Compiler.application(Interpreter r, Expression rator, Expression[] rands, int context, Pair annotation, SymbolicEnvironment env)
protected  Expression Compiler.compile(Interpreter r, Expression v, Pair sets, sisc.compiler.Compiler.ReferenceFactory rf, int context, SymbolicEnvironment env, Pair an)
 Expression Compiler.compile(Interpreter r, Expression v, SymbolicEnvironment env)
 Expression Compiler.compileLetrec(Interpreter r, Symbol[] formals, Symbol[] lexicals, Expression[] rands, Expression body, Pair sets, sisc.compiler.Compiler.ReferenceFactory rf, SymbolicEnvironment env, int context)
 Expression Compiler.compileLetrec(Interpreter r, Symbol[] formals, Symbol[] lexicals, Expression[] rands, Expression body, Pair sets, sisc.compiler.Compiler.ReferenceFactory rf, SymbolicEnvironment env, int context)
static Expression Compiler.makeFillRib(Interpreter r, Expression lastRand, Expression rand, int pos, Expression nxp, boolean immediate)

Uses of Expression in

Subclasses of Expression in
 class Box
 class Closure
 class EmptyList
 class EOFObject
 class ExpressionValue
 class ImmutablePair
 class ImmutableString
 class ImmutableVector
 class MemoizedSymbol
 class Nothing
          A value, unlike "void", which is not equal to anything
 class Pair
 class Procedure
          The Procedure class is the base class for any Scheme Procedure.
 class Quantity
 class SchemeBinaryInputPort
          A Scheme binary input port.
 class SchemeBinaryOutputPort
          A Scheme binary output port.
 class SchemeBoolean
 class SchemeCharacter
 class SchemeCharacterInputPort
          A Scheme character output port.
 class SchemeCharacterOutputPort
          A Scheme character output port.
 class SchemeString
 class SchemeThread
 class SchemeVector
 class SchemeVoid
 class Symbol
 class Value
          Value is the base class for anything treated as a first-class value within Scheme.
 class Values

Fields in declared as Expression
 Expression Closure.body
 Expression ExpressionValue.e

Constructors in with parameters of type Expression
Closure(boolean arity, int fcount, Expression body, Value[] env, int[] boxes)
ExpressionValue(Expression e)

Uses of Expression in sisc.env

Subclasses of Expression in sisc.env
 class ConfigParameter
 class DelegatingSymEnv
 class LexicalEnvironment
 class MemorySymEnv
 class NativeParameter
 class Parameter
 class SchemeParameter

Uses of Expression in sisc.exprs

Subclasses of Expression in sisc.exprs
 class AnnotatedExpr
 class AppEval
 class AppExp
 class ApplyValuesContEval
 class DefineEval
 class EvalExp
 class FillRibExp
 class FreeReferenceExp
 class FreeSetEval
 class IfEval
 class LambdaExp
 class LetrecEval
 class LetrecExp
 class LexicalReferenceExp
 class LocalReferenceExp
 class SetboxEval
 class UnboxExp

Fields in sisc.exprs declared as Expression
 Expression IfEval.altern
 Expression LetrecEval.body
 Expression LambdaExp.body
 Expression IfEval.conseq
 Expression FillRibExp.exp
 Expression AppExp.exp
 Expression AnnotatedExpr.expr
 Expression FillRibExp.nxp
 Expression AppExp.nxp
 Expression EvalExp.pre
 Expression[] AppExp.rands

Methods in sisc.exprs with parameters of type Expression
 void LetrecEval.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
 void IfEval.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
 void FillRibExp.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
 void EvalExp.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
 void AppExp.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
 void AnnotatedExpr.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)

Constructors in sisc.exprs with parameters of type Expression
AnnotatedExpr(Expression expr, Value annotation)
AppExp(Expression exp, Expression[] rands, Expression nxp, boolean allImmediate)
AppExp(Expression exp, Expression[] rands, Expression nxp, boolean allImmediate)
EvalExp(Expression pre, Expression post, boolean preImmediate)
FillRibExp(Expression exp, int pos, Expression nxp, boolean lari)
IfEval(Expression conseq, Expression altern)
LambdaExp(int s, Expression body, boolean arity, int[] localids, int[] lexids, int[] boxes)
LetrecEval(Expression body)
LetrecExp(Expression exp, Expression[] rands, Expression nxp, int[] localIndices, int[] lexicalIndices, boolean allImmediate)
LetrecExp(Expression exp, Expression[] rands, Expression nxp, int[] localIndices, int[] lexicalIndices, boolean allImmediate)

Uses of Expression in sisc.exprs.fp

Subclasses of Expression in sisc.exprs.fp
 class FixedAppExp_0
 class FixedAppExp_1
 class FixedAppExp_2
 class FixedAppExp_3

Methods in sisc.exprs.fp that return Expression
 Expression[] FixedAppExp_3.getOperands()
 Expression[] FixedAppExp_2.getOperands()
 Expression[] FixedAppExp_1.getOperands()
 Expression[] FixedAppExp_0.getOperands()

Methods in sisc.exprs.fp with parameters of type Expression
 void OptimisticHost.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
          Instructs the host to replace the uExp referenced at the given (Expression dependent) position, with the given Expression.
 void FixedAppExp_1.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
static void Utils.assertNonOptimistic(Expression exp)
static void Utils.linkOptimistic(OptimisticHost host, Expression exp, int uexpPos)
 void FixedAppExp_0.revert(Interpreter r, Expression[] rands)
 void FixedAppExp_0.revert(Interpreter r, Expression[] rands, int flags)

Uses of Expression in sisc.interpreter

Subclasses of Expression in sisc.interpreter
 class ApplyParentFrame
 class CallFrame
static class Interpreter.ThrowSchemeException

Fields in sisc.interpreter declared as Expression
 Expression Interpreter.nxp
 Expression CallFrame.nxp

Methods in sisc.interpreter that return Expression
 Expression Interpreter.compile(Value v)
 Expression Interpreter.compile(Value v, SymbolicEnvironment env)
 Expression AppContext.getExpression(Symbol name)
 Expression Interpreter.lookup(Symbol s, Symbol context)
          Retrieves the value of a binding in a named environment
 Expression AppContext.resolveBinding(LibraryBinding lb)

Methods in sisc.interpreter with parameters of type Expression
 void StackTracer.add(Expression expr)
 void CallFrame.init(Expression n, Value[] v, boolean vk, Value[] l, Value[] e, SymbolicEnvironment t, CallFrame f, CallFrame p, StackTracer tr)
 Value Interpreter.interpret(Expression e)
 LibraryBinding AppContext.lookupBinding(Expression e)
 void nextExpr)
 void Interpreter.push(Expression n)
 void Interpreter.pushExpr(Expression e)
 void Interpreter.setFailureContinuation(Expression e)
 void Interpreter.setupTailCall(Expression e, Value vlr0)
 void Interpreter.setupTailCall(Expression e, Value[] newvlr)
 void Interpreter.trace(Expression e)

Constructors in sisc.interpreter with parameters of type Expression
CallFrame(Expression n, Value[] v, boolean vk, Value[] l, Value[] e, SymbolicEnvironment t, CallFrame f, CallFrame p, StackTracer tr)

Uses of Expression in

Subclasses of Expression in
 class CustomBinaryInputPort
          A Scheme binary port whose implementation is provided by a Scheme defined stream
 class CustomBinaryOutputPort
 class CustomCharacterInputPort
 class CustomCharacterOutputPort

Uses of Expression in sisc.modules

Subclasses of Expression in sisc.modules
static class Annotations.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class Annotations.Index
          The Index
static class Annotations.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
 class Debugging
static class Debugging.Index
 class Logical
static class Logical.Index
static class OptionalPrimitives.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class OptionalPrimitives.Index
          The Index
static class OptionalPrimitives.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
static class Primitives.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class Primitives.Index
static class Primitives.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
 class R5RS
static class Threads.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class Threads.CondVar
static class Threads.Index
static class Threads.Mutex
static class Threads.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
 class Types
static class Types.Index
static class Types.SchemeType

Uses of Expression in sisc.modules.hashtable

Subclasses of Expression in sisc.modules.hashtable
 class Hashtable
 class HashtableBase
 class Primitives
 class SynchronizedHashtable
 class WeakHashtable

Uses of Expression in

Subclasses of Expression in
 class BinaryIO
static class BinaryIO.Index
 class Buffer
 class BufferIO
static class BufferIO.Index
 class CustomIO
static class CustomIO.Index
static class FileManipulation.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class FileManipulation.Index
          The Index
static class FileManipulation.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
 class IO
static class IO.Index
 class Networking
static class Networking.Index
static class Networking.SchemeMulticastUDPSocket
static class Networking.SchemeServerSocket
static class Networking.SchemeSocket
static class Networking.SchemeTCPSocket
static class Networking.SchemeUDPSocket
 class SerialIO
static class SerialIO.Index
 class StringIO
static class StringIO.Index

Uses of Expression in sisc.modules.record

Subclasses of Expression in sisc.modules.record
 class Record

Uses of Expression in sisc.modules.s2j

Subclasses of Expression in sisc.modules.s2j
 class Conversion
static class Conversion.Index
 class JavaNull
 class JavaObject
 class JavaPrimitive
 class Operation
static class Operation.Index
 class Reflection
static class Reflection.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class Reflection.Index
          The Index
static class Reflection.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
 class Util

Uses of Expression in sisc.nativefun

Subclasses of Expression in sisc.nativefun
 class CommonIndexedProcedure
          CommonIndexedProcedure is a helper class intended to unify the interfaces of fixable and non-fixable procedures, so that development of native libraries is more consistent and flexible.
 class FixableProcedure
          A fixable procedure is a Scheme procedure similar to a NativeProcedure, but which does not need access to the Interpreter to be implemented, causes no side-effects, and requires three or fewer arguments.
 class IndexedFixableProcedure
          An indexed procedure contains the implementation of many native procedures, indexed by an integer.
 class IndexedLibraryAdapter
 class IndexedProcedure
          An indexed procedure contains the implementation of many native procedures, indexed by an integer.
 class NativeLibrary
          A Native Library is a collection of bindings that can be imported into any environment in SISC.
static class NativeModuleTemplate.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class NativeModuleTemplate.Index
          The Index
static class NativeModuleTemplate.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
 class NativeProcedure
          A native procedure is a Scheme procedure whose behavior when applied is implemented in Java code.

Uses of Expression in sisc.ser

Subclasses of Expression in sisc.ser
 class LibraryAE
          An SymEnv backed by a random-access library.

Methods in sisc.ser that return Expression
 Expression SLL2Deserializer.deser()
protected  Expression StreamDeserializer.fetchShared(int oid)
protected abstract  Expression SLL2Deserializer.fetchShared(int oid)
protected  Expression BlockDeserializer.fetchShared(int oid)
 Expression Library.getExpression(int oid)
 Expression LibraryManager.getExpression(Symbol name)
 Expression Library.getExpression(Symbol name)
 Expression Library.getLocalExpression(Symbol name)
 Expression SLL2Deserializer.readExpression()
 Expression JavaDeserializer.readExpression()
 Expression Deserializer.readExpression()
protected  Expression SLL2Deserializer.readExpression(boolean flush, int definingOid)
 Expression[] DeserializerImpl.readExpressionArray()
 Expression[] Deserializer.readExpressionArray()
 Expression SLL2Deserializer.readInitializedExpression()
 Expression JavaDeserializer.readInitializedExpression()
 Expression Deserializer.readInitializedExpression()
 Expression LibraryManager.resolveBinding(LibraryBinding lb)
          Returns an expression from an external library
 Expression DeserializerImpl.resolveLibraryBinding(LibraryBinding lb)
protected  Expression StreamDeserializer.skipReadObject(boolean flush, int definingOid)
protected abstract  Expression SLL2Deserializer.skipReadObject(boolean flush, int definingOid)
protected  Expression BlockDeserializer.skipReadObject(boolean flush, int definingOid)

Methods in sisc.ser with parameters of type Expression
 int LibraryBuilder.add(Expression val)
          Add a shared data structure
 int LibraryBuilder.add(Symbol name, Expression val)
          Add an entry point.
 int LibraryBuilder.get(Expression val)
 LibraryBinding LibraryManager.lookupBinding(Expression e)
          Returns the reference to a binding in the active libraries, or null if the provided expression isn't an entry point in any library.
 LibraryBinding SerializerImpl.lookupLibraryBinding(Expression e)
protected  void StreamDeserializer.recordReadObject(int definingOid, Expression e)
protected abstract  void SLL2Deserializer.recordReadObject(int definingOid, Expression e)
protected  void BlockDeserializer.recordReadObject(int definingOid, Expression e)
 int Library.reverseLookup(Expression e)
          Given an expression, return the entry point id of the expression if any, -1 otherwise.
 void SLL2Serializer.serialize(Expression e)
 void Serializer.writeExpression(Expression e)
 void SLL2Serializer.writeExpression(Expression e)
 void JavaSerializer.writeExpression(Expression e)
protected  void StreamSerializer.writeExpression(Expression e, boolean flush)
protected abstract  void SLL2Serializer.writeExpression(Expression e, boolean flush)
          Required call which actually writes out the bytes of an expression
protected  void BlockSerializer.writeExpression(Expression e, boolean flush)
protected  boolean SLL2Serializer.writeExpression(Expression e, int pos, int offset, boolean flush)
 void SerializerImpl.writeExpressionArray(Expression[] v)
 void Serializer.writeExpressionArray(Expression[] vlr)
 void Serializer.writeInitializedExpression(Expression e)
 void SLL2Serializer.writeInitializedExpression(Expression e)
 void JavaSerializer.writeInitializedExpression(Expression e)
protected  void SLL2Serializer.writeNewEntryPointMarker(int posi, Expression e)

Constructors in sisc.ser with parameters of type Expression
BlockSerializer(AppContext ctx, out, java.util.Vector classes, Expression[] entryPoints)

Uses of Expression in sisc.util

Methods in sisc.util that return Expression
static Expression Util.annotatedAppEval(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.String fn)
static Expression Util.expr(Value o)
static Expression[] Util.pairToExpressions(Pair p)