Uses of Class

Packages that use Pair

Uses of Pair in sisc.compiler

Methods in sisc.compiler with parameters of type Pair
static Expression Compiler.application(Interpreter r, Expression rator, Expression[] rands, int context, Pair annotation, SymbolicEnvironment env)
protected  Expression Compiler.compile(Interpreter r, Expression v, Pair sets, sisc.compiler.Compiler.ReferenceFactory rf, int context, SymbolicEnvironment env, Pair an)
 Expression Compiler.compileApp(Interpreter r, Pair expr, Pair sets, sisc.compiler.Compiler.ReferenceFactory rf, int context, SymbolicEnvironment env, Pair an)
 Expression Compiler.compileLetrec(Interpreter r, Symbol[] formals, Symbol[] lexicals, Expression[] rands, Expression body, Pair sets, sisc.compiler.Compiler.ReferenceFactory rf, SymbolicEnvironment env, int context)
 int[] Compiler.findBoxes(Symbol[] formals, Pair sets)

Uses of Pair in

Subclasses of Pair in
 class EmptyList
 class ImmutablePair

Methods in that return Pair
 Pair ExpressionValue.getAnnotations()
 Pair Expression.getAnnotations()

Uses of Pair in sisc.env

Fields in sisc.env declared as Pair
 Pair DynamicEnvironment.sourceAnnotations

Methods in sisc.env that return Pair
static Pair LexicalUtils.intArrayToList(int[] v)

Uses of Pair in sisc.interpreter

Fields in sisc.interpreter declared as Pair
 Pair SchemeException.m

Methods in sisc.interpreter with parameters of type Pair
 void Interpreter.error(Pair error)

Constructors in sisc.interpreter with parameters of type Pair
SchemeException(Pair message, Procedure exception_k, Procedure parent_fk)
SchemeRuntimeException(Pair message, Procedure exception_k, Procedure parent_fk)

Uses of Pair in

Methods in that return Pair
 Pair SchemeWriter.getProcs()
 Pair SchemeReader.getProcs()
 Pair SchemeOutputStream.getProcs()
 Pair SchemeInputStream.getProcs()
 Pair CustomPortProxy.getProcs()

Uses of Pair in sisc.modules.hashtable

Methods in sisc.modules.hashtable that return Pair
 Pair SynchronizedHashtable.keys()
abstract  Pair HashtableBase.keys()
 Pair Hashtable.keys()
 Pair SynchronizedHashtable.toAList()
abstract  Pair HashtableBase.toAList()
 Pair Hashtable.toAList()

Methods in sisc.modules.hashtable with parameters of type Pair
 void SynchronizedHashtable.addAList(Pair p)
abstract  void HashtableBase.addAList(Pair p)
 void Hashtable.addAList(Pair p)

Uses of Pair in sisc.modules.s2j

Methods in sisc.modules.s2j that return Pair
static Pair Util.objectsToList(java.lang.Object[] objs)

Methods in sisc.modules.s2j with parameters of type Pair
static java.lang.Object[] Util.pairToObjects(Pair p)
static java.util.Vector Util.pairToObjVect(Pair p)

Uses of Pair in sisc.reader

Fields in sisc.reader declared as Pair
 Pair Lexer.prval

Methods in sisc.reader with parameters of type Pair
protected  java.lang.Object Parser._nextExpression( is, java.util.HashMap state, java.lang.Integer def, int radix, int flags, Pair anns)
protected  java.lang.Object Parser._nextExpression( is, java.util.HashMap state, java.lang.Integer def, int flags, Pair anns)
protected  java.lang.Object Parser.listSpecial(Symbol car, is, java.util.HashMap state, java.lang.Integer def, int flags, Pair anns)
protected  Value Parser.nextExpression( is, java.util.HashMap state, int flags, Pair anns)
 Value Parser.nextExpression( is, int radix, int flags, Pair anns)
          Reads an s-expression from the given input port.
 Value Parser.nextExpression( is, int flags, Pair anns)
 Value Parser.readList( is, java.util.HashMap state, java.lang.Integer def, int flags, Pair anns)

Uses of Pair in sisc.ser

Methods in sisc.ser with parameters of type Pair
 void LibraryAE.addSymbolicBindings(Library lib, Pair s)

Uses of Pair in sisc.util

Methods in sisc.util that return Pair
static Pair Util.append(Pair p1, Pair p2)
static Pair Util.list(Value o1)
static Pair Util.list(Value o1, Value o2)
static Pair Util.list(Value o1, Value o2, Value o3)
static Pair Util.list(Value o1, Value o2, Value o3, Value o4)
static Pair Util.list(Value o1, Value o2, Value o3, Value o4, Value o5)
static Pair Util.mapcar(Pair list)
static Pair Util.pair(Value o)
static Pair Util.reverse(Pair p)
static Pair Util.reverseInPlace(Pair s)
static Pair Util.sourceAnnotations(java.lang.String file, int line, int column, Pair anns)
static Pair Util.truePair(Value o)
static Pair Util.valArrayToList(Value[] r)
static Pair Util.valArrayToList(Value[] r, int offset, int len)

Methods in sisc.util with parameters of type Pair
static Pair Util.append(Pair p1, Pair p2)
static void Util.argCheck(Pair argl, int arity)
static Symbol[] Util.argsToSymbols(Pair p)
static Value Util.assq(Value v, Pair p)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, Pair error)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, java.lang.String errormessage, Pair moreData)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, Value where, java.lang.String errormessage, Pair moreData)
static int Util.length(Pair p)
static Pair Util.mapcar(Pair list)
static Value Util.memq(Value v, Pair p)
static Expression[] Util.pairToExpressions(Pair p)
static java.util.Vector Util.pairToExpVect(Pair p)
          Deprecated. Obsoleted by pairToExpressions and pairToValues.
static Value[] Util.pairToValues(Pair p)
static Pair Util.reverse(Pair p)
static Pair Util.reverseInPlace(Pair s)
static java.lang.String Util.simpleErrorToString(Pair p)
static Pair Util.sourceAnnotations(java.lang.String file, int line, int column, Pair anns)