Uses of Class

Packages that use Value
sisc SISC: The Second Interpreter of Scheme Code 

Uses of Value in sisc

Subclasses of Value in sisc
static class REPL.SchemeSocketThread

Uses of Value in sisc.compiler

Subclasses of Value in sisc.compiler
 class Syntax

Methods in sisc.compiler that return Value
 Value Syntax.singletonValue()

Methods in sisc.compiler with parameters of type Value
static int Compiler.getExpType(SymbolicEnvironment env, Value s)

Uses of Value in

Subclasses of Value in
 class Box
 class Closure
 class EmptyList
 class EOFObject
 class ExpressionValue
 class ImmutablePair
 class ImmutableString
 class ImmutableVector
 class MemoizedSymbol
 class Nothing
          A value, unlike "void", which is not equal to anything
 class Pair
 class Procedure
          The Procedure class is the base class for any Scheme Procedure.
 class Quantity
 class SchemeBinaryInputPort
          A Scheme binary input port.
 class SchemeBinaryOutputPort
          A Scheme binary output port.
 class SchemeBoolean
 class SchemeCharacter
 class SchemeCharacterInputPort
          A Scheme character output port.
 class SchemeCharacterOutputPort
          A Scheme character output port.
 class SchemeString
 class SchemeThread
 class SchemeVector
 class SchemeVoid
 class Symbol
 class Values

Fields in declared as Value
 Value[] Closure.env
 Value SchemeThread.rv
 Value Box.val
 Value[] SchemeVector.vals
 Value[] Values.values

Methods in that return Value
 Value Pair.cdr()
abstract  Value
          A debugging function, express returns a Scheme value that describes this expression.
 Value ExpressionValue.getAnnotation(Symbol key)
 Value Expression.getAnnotation(Symbol key)
 Value Expression.getAnnotation(Symbol key, Value def)
 Value SchemeThread.getResult(Interpreter r)
 Value Value.getValue(Interpreter r)
          Called to obtain the value of this Value.
 Value Immediate.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value Expression.getValue(Interpreter r)
          If an expression implements the Immediate interface, it must override getValue, which returns as a Value, the immediate value of this expression.
 Value ExpressionValue.setAnnotation(Symbol key, Value v)
 Value Expression.setAnnotation(Symbol key, Value val)
 Value Expression.setAnnotation(Symbol key, Value val, Value def)
 Value Singleton.singletonValue()
 Value SchemeVoid.singletonValue()
 Value SchemeBoolean.singletonValue()
 Value Nothing.singletonValue()
 Value MemoizedSymbol.singletonValue()
 Value EmptyList.singletonValue()
 Value EOFObject.singletonValue()
 Value Quantity.singletonValue()

Methods in with parameters of type Value
static void Procedure.error(Interpreter r, Value where, NestedPrimRuntimeException parent)
 void SchemeVector.fill(Value v)
 void ImmutableVector.fill(Value v)
 Value Expression.getAnnotation(Symbol key, Value def)
 void SchemeVector.set(int idx, Value v)
 void ImmutableVector.set(int idx, Value v)
 void Box.set(Value v)
 Value ExpressionValue.setAnnotation(Symbol key, Value v)
 Value Expression.setAnnotation(Symbol key, Value val)
 Value Expression.setAnnotation(Symbol key, Value val, Value def)
 void Pair.setCar(Value v)
 void ImmutablePair.setCar(Value v)
 void Pair.setCdr(Value v)
 void ImmutablePair.setCdr(Value v)
 boolean Value.valueEqual(Value v)
          Compares this value to another for semantic equality.
 boolean Symbol.valueEqual(Value v)
 boolean SchemeVector.valueEqual(Value v)
 boolean SchemeString.valueEqual(Value v)
 boolean Pair.valueEqual(Value v)
 boolean ExpressionValue.valueEqual(Value v)
 boolean EmptyList.valueEqual(Value o)
 boolean Box.valueEqual(Value v)
 boolean Quantity.valueEqual(Value v)

Constructors in with parameters of type Value
Box(Value val)
Closure(boolean arity, int fcount, Expression body, Value[] env, int[] boxes)
ImmutablePair(Value car, Value cdr)
ImmutablePair(Value car, Value cdr, boolean isImmutable)
ImmutableVector(int count, Value initializer)
ImmutableVector(Value[] v)
Pair(Value car, Value cdr)
SchemeVector(int count, Value initializer)
SchemeVector(Value[] v)
Values(Value[] v)

Uses of Value in sisc.env

Subclasses of Value in sisc.env
 class ConfigParameter
 class DelegatingSymEnv
 class LexicalEnvironment
 class MemorySymEnv
 class NativeParameter
 class Parameter
 class SchemeParameter

Fields in sisc.env declared as Value
protected  Value SchemeParameter.def
 Value[] MemorySymEnv.env
 Value DynamicEnvironment.out
 Value[] LexicalEnvironment.vals
 Value DynamicEnvironment.wind

Methods in sisc.env that return Value
 Value SymbolicEnvironment.asValue()
 Value MemorySymEnv.asValue()
 Value DelegatingSymEnv.asValue()
static Value[] LexicalUtils.fixLexicals(Interpreter r, int lcount, int[] locs, int[] lexs)
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getCaseSensitive()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getCurrentInPort()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getCurrentOutPort()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getEmitAnnotations()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getEmitDebuggingSymbols()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getHedgedInlining()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getInputPort()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getInternalDebugging()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getMaxStackTraceDepth()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getOutputPort()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getPermissiveParsing()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getPrintShared()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getSourceAnnotations()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getStrictR5RSCompliance()
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getSynopsisLength()
 Value SchemeParameter.getValue(Interpreter r)
abstract  Value Parameter.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value NativeParameter.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value ConfigParameter.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value DynamicEnvironment.getVectorLengthPrefixing()
 Value SymbolicEnvironment.lookup(int pi)
 Value MemorySymEnv.lookup(int pi)
 Value DelegatingSymEnv.lookup(int pi)
 Value LexicalEnvironment.lookup(int depth, int pos)
 Value SymbolicEnvironment.lookup(Symbol s)
 Value MemorySymEnv.lookup(Symbol s)
 Value DelegatingSymEnv.lookup(Symbol s)

Methods in sisc.env with parameters of type Value
 int SymbolicEnvironment.define(Symbol s, Value v)
 int MemorySymEnv.define(Symbol s, Value v)
 int DelegatingSymEnv.define(Symbol s, Value v)
 void LexicalEnvironment.set(int depth, int pos, Value v)
 void SymbolicEnvironment.set(int envLoc, Value v)
 void MemorySymEnv.set(int envLoc, Value v)
 void DelegatingSymEnv.set(int envLoc, Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setCaseSensitive(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setCharacterSet(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setEmitAnnotations(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setEmitDebuggingSymbols(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setHedgedInlining(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setInputPort(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setInternalDebugging(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setMaxStackTraceDepth(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setOutputPort(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setPermissiveParsing(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setPrintShared(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setSourceAnnotations(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setStrictR5RSCompliance(Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setSynopsisLength(Value v)
 void SchemeParameter.setValue(Interpreter r, Value v)
abstract  void Parameter.setValue(Interpreter r, Value v)
 void NativeParameter.setValue(Interpreter r, Value v)
 void DynamicEnvironment.setVectorLengthPrefixing(Value v)
protected  int s, Value v)

Constructors in sisc.env with parameters of type Value
ConfigParameter(java.lang.String paramName, Value def)
LexicalEnvironment(Value[] vals, LexicalEnvironment parent)
SchemeParameter(Value def)

Uses of Value in sisc.exprs

Subclasses of Value in sisc.exprs
 class AnnotatedExpr

Fields in sisc.exprs declared as Value
 Value AnnotatedExpr.annotation
 Value AnnotatedExpr.stripped

Methods in sisc.exprs that return Value
 Value UnboxExp.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value LocalReferenceExp.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value LexicalReferenceExp.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value LambdaExp.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value FreeReferenceExp.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value AnnotatedExpr.getValue(Interpreter r)

Methods in sisc.exprs with parameters of type Value
 void FreeSetEval.setValue(Interpreter r, Value v)

Constructors in sisc.exprs with parameters of type Value
AnnotatedExpr(Expression expr, Value annotation)

Uses of Value in sisc.exprs.fp

Methods in sisc.exprs.fp that return Value
 Value FixedAppExp_3.doGetValue(FixableProcedure proc, Interpreter r)
 Value FixedAppExp_2.doGetValue(FixableProcedure proc, Interpreter r)
 Value FixedAppExp_1.doGetValue(FixableProcedure proc, Interpreter r)
 Value FixedAppExp_0.doGetValue(FixableProcedure proc, Interpreter r)
 Value FixedAppExp_0.getValue(Interpreter r)

Uses of Value in sisc.interpreter

Subclasses of Value in sisc.interpreter
 class ApplyParentFrame
 class CallFrame

Fields in sisc.interpreter declared as Value
 Value Interpreter.acc
protected  Value[] Interpreter.dv1
protected  Value[] Interpreter.dv2
protected  Value[] Interpreter.dv3
protected  Value[] Interpreter.dv4
 Value[] Interpreter.env
 Value[] CallFrame.env
 Value[][] Interpreter.IAI
 Value[] Interpreter.lcl
 Value[] CallFrame.lcl
 Value[] Interpreter.vlr
 Value[] CallFrame.vlr

Methods in sisc.interpreter that return Value
 Value[] Interpreter.createValues(int size)
 Value Interpreter.eval(Procedure p, Value[] args)
          Applies the given procedure to the given values
 Value Interpreter.eval(java.lang.String expr)
          Parses and evaluates s-expression(s)
 Value Interpreter.eval(Value v)
          Evaluates a Scheme value as code.
 Value Interpreter.eval(Value v, SymbolicEnvironment env)
          Evaluates a Scheme value as code.
 Value Interpreter.evalInput( port)
          Parses and evaluates s-expression(s) from an input port
 Value Interpreter.interpret(Expression e)
 Value StackTracer.toValue()
 Value[] Interpreter.vlrToArgs()
          Returns a Value[] prepared as a value rib for a procedure with a fixed argument count.
 Value[] Interpreter.vlrToRestArgs(int fcount)
          Returns a Value[] prepared as a value rib for a for procedure expecting rest args in the last rib position.

Methods in sisc.interpreter with parameters of type Value
 Expression Interpreter.compile(Value v)
 Expression Interpreter.compile(Value v, SymbolicEnvironment env)
 void Interpreter.define(Symbol s, Value v, Symbol context)
          Defines a new binding in a named environment.
 Value Interpreter.eval(Procedure p, Value[] args)
          Applies the given procedure to the given values
 Value Interpreter.eval(Value v)
          Evaluates a Scheme value as code.
 Value Interpreter.eval(Value v, SymbolicEnvironment env)
          Evaluates a Scheme value as code.
 void CallFrame.init(Expression n, Value[] v, boolean vk, Value[] l, Value[] e, SymbolicEnvironment t, CallFrame f, CallFrame p, StackTracer tr)
 void CallFrame.init(Expression n, Value[] v, boolean vk, Value[] l, Value[] e, SymbolicEnvironment t, CallFrame f, CallFrame p, StackTracer tr)
 void CallFrame.init(Expression n, Value[] v, boolean vk, Value[] l, Value[] e, SymbolicEnvironment t, CallFrame f, CallFrame p, StackTracer tr)
 void Interpreter.newVLR(Value[] vlr)
 void Interpreter.returnValues(Value[] v)
 void Interpreter.setupTailCall(Expression e, Value vlr0)
 void Interpreter.setupTailCall(Expression e, Value[] newvlr)
 void Interpreter.setVLR(int pos, Value v)
static boolean CallFrame.visitValueArray(ExpressionVisitor v, Value[] va)

Constructors in sisc.interpreter with parameters of type Value
CallFrame(Expression n, Value[] v, boolean vk, Value[] l, Value[] e, SymbolicEnvironment t, CallFrame f, CallFrame p, StackTracer tr)
CallFrame(Expression n, Value[] v, boolean vk, Value[] l, Value[] e, SymbolicEnvironment t, CallFrame f, CallFrame p, StackTracer tr)
CallFrame(Expression n, Value[] v, boolean vk, Value[] l, Value[] e, SymbolicEnvironment t, CallFrame f, CallFrame p, StackTracer tr)

Uses of Value in

Methods in that return Value
 Value SerialInputStream.readSer()
 Value DeserializerStream.readSer()

Methods in with parameters of type Value
 ValueWriter ValueWriter.append(Value v)
 ValueWriter SharedValueWriter.append(Value v)
 ValueWriter PortValueWriter.append(Value v)
 void ValueWriter.display(Value v)
 void PortValueWriter.display(Value v)
protected  void SharedValueWriter.displayOrWrite(Value v, boolean display)
protected  void PortValueWriter.displayOrWrite(Value v, boolean display)
 boolean ValueWriter.isInlinable(Value v)
 boolean SharedValueWriter.isInlinable(Value v)
 boolean PortValueWriter.isInlinable(Value v)
 void ValueWriter.write(Value v)
 void PortValueWriter.write(Value v)
 void SerializerStream.writeSer(Value v)
 void SerialOutputStream.writeSer(Value v)

Uses of Value in

Subclasses of Value in
 class CustomBinaryInputPort
          A Scheme binary port whose implementation is provided by a Scheme defined stream
 class CustomBinaryOutputPort
 class CustomCharacterInputPort
 class CustomCharacterOutputPort

Fields in declared as Value
protected  Value CustomCharacterOutputPort.portLocal
protected  Value CustomCharacterInputPort.portLocal
protected  Value CustomBinaryOutputPort.portLocal
protected  Value CustomBinaryInputPort.portLocal

Methods in that return Value
static Value IOUtils.bridge(Procedure proc, Value v)
static Value IOUtils.bridge(Procedure proc, Value[] args)
 Value SchemeWriter.getHost()
 Value SchemeReader.getHost()
 Value SchemeOutputStream.getHost()
 Value SchemeInputStream.getHost()
 Value CustomPortProxy.getHost()
 Value CustomPort.getPortLocal()
 Value CustomCharacterOutputPort.getPortLocal()
 Value CustomCharacterInputPort.getPortLocal()
 Value CustomBinaryOutputPort.getPortLocal()
 Value CustomBinaryInputPort.getPortLocal()

Methods in with parameters of type Value
static Value IOUtils.bridge(Procedure proc, Value v)
static Value IOUtils.bridge(Procedure proc, Value[] args)
 void SchemeWriter.setHost(Value host)
 void SchemeReader.setHost(Value host)
 void SchemeOutputStream.setHost(Value host)
 void SchemeInputStream.setHost(Value host)
 void CustomPortProxy.setHost(Value host)
 void CustomPort.setPortLocal(Value v)
 void CustomCharacterOutputPort.setPortLocal(Value local)
 void CustomCharacterInputPort.setPortLocal(Value local)
 void CustomBinaryOutputPort.setPortLocal(Value local)
 void CustomBinaryInputPort.setPortLocal(Value local)

Uses of Value in sisc.modules

Subclasses of Value in sisc.modules
static class Annotations.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class Annotations.Index
          The Index
static class Annotations.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
 class Debugging
static class Debugging.Index
 class Logical
static class Logical.Index
static class OptionalPrimitives.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class OptionalPrimitives.Index
          The Index
static class OptionalPrimitives.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
static class Primitives.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class Primitives.Index
static class Primitives.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
 class R5RS
static class Threads.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class Threads.CondVar
static class Threads.Index
static class Threads.Mutex
static class Threads.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
 class Types
static class Types.Index
static class Types.SchemeType

Methods in sisc.modules that return Value
 Value Threads.Mutex.acquire()
 Value Threads.Simple.apply()
 Value Threads.Complex.apply()
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply()
 Value OptionalPrimitives.Simple.apply()
 Value Threads.Complex.apply(Interpreter f, Value v1)
 Value Types.apply(Value v1)
 Value Threads.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value OptionalPrimitives.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value OptionalPrimitives.Complex.apply(Value v1)
 Value Logical.apply(Value v1)
 Value Annotations.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value[] v)
 Value OptionalPrimitives.Simple.apply(Value[] vlr)
 Value Logical.apply(Value[] v)
 Value Annotations.Complex.apply(Value[] vlr)
 Value Types.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Threads.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Threads.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value OptionalPrimitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Logical.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Annotations.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Annotations.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Threads.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value OptionalPrimitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Logical.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Annotations.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Annotations.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
static Value OptionalPrimitives.cadr(Value p)
static Value OptionalPrimitives.cddr(Value p)
 Value Types.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value Threads.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value Primitives.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value OptionalPrimitives.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value Logical.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value Debugging.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value Annotations.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value Primitives.Complex.doApply(Interpreter r)
 Value Debugging.doApply(Interpreter f)
 Value Primitives.Complex.doApply(Interpreter r, Value[] vlr)
 Value R5RS.getBindingValue(Interpreter r, Symbol name)
 Value Threads.Mutex.lock(long timeout)
 Value Threads.Mutex.unlock(Threads.CondVar condvar, long timeout)

Methods in sisc.modules with parameters of type Value
 Value Threads.Complex.apply(Interpreter f, Value v1)
 Value Types.apply(Value v1)
 Value Threads.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value OptionalPrimitives.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value OptionalPrimitives.Complex.apply(Value v1)
 Value Logical.apply(Value v1)
 Value Annotations.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value[] v)
 Value OptionalPrimitives.Simple.apply(Value[] vlr)
 Value Logical.apply(Value[] v)
 Value Annotations.Complex.apply(Value[] vlr)
 Value Types.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Threads.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Threads.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value OptionalPrimitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Logical.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Annotations.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Annotations.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Threads.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value OptionalPrimitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Logical.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Annotations.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Annotations.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
static Value OptionalPrimitives.cadr(Value p)
static Value OptionalPrimitives.cddr(Value p)
static Threads.CondVar Threads.condvar(Value o)
 Value Primitives.Complex.doApply(Interpreter r, Value[] vlr)
static boolean OptionalPrimitives.jnumQuery(Value v, int mask)
static Threads.Mutex Threads.mutex(Value o)
static SchemeBoolean Primitives.numQuery(Value v, int mask)
static Threads.Mutex Threads.Mutex.of(Value v)
static SchemeThread Threads.sthread(Value o)
static Types.SchemeType Types.stype(Value o)

Uses of Value in sisc.modules.hashtable

Subclasses of Value in sisc.modules.hashtable
 class Hashtable
 class HashtableBase
 class Primitives
 class SynchronizedHashtable
 class WeakHashtable

Methods in sisc.modules.hashtable that return Value
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value Primitives.Complex.apply(Value v1)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value[] v)
 Value Primitives.Complex.apply(Value[] v)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Primitives.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Primitives.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Primitives.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value SynchronizedHashtable.get(Value k)
abstract  Value HashtableBase.get(Value k)
 Value Hashtable.get(Value k)
 Value HashtableKey.getValue()
 Value SynchronizedHashtable.put(Value k, Value v)
abstract  Value HashtableBase.put(Value k, Value v)
 Value Hashtable.put(Value k, Value v)
 Value SynchronizedHashtable.remove(Value k)
abstract  Value HashtableBase.remove(Value k)
 Value Hashtable.remove(Value k)

Methods in sisc.modules.hashtable with parameters of type Value
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value Primitives.Complex.apply(Value v1)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value[] v)
 Value Primitives.Complex.apply(Value[] v)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Primitives.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Primitives.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 boolean Hashtable.callEquals(Value v1, Value v2)
 int Hashtable.callHashCode(Value v)
 Value SynchronizedHashtable.get(Value k)
abstract  Value HashtableBase.get(Value k)
 Value Hashtable.get(Value k)
protected  HashtableKey WeakHashtable.makeKey(Value k)
protected  HashtableKey Hashtable.makeKey(Value k)
 Value SynchronizedHashtable.put(Value k, Value v)
abstract  Value HashtableBase.put(Value k, Value v)
 Value Hashtable.put(Value k, Value v)
 Value SynchronizedHashtable.remove(Value k)
abstract  Value HashtableBase.remove(Value k)
 Value Hashtable.remove(Value k)
static HashtableBase Primitives.shash(Value o)
 boolean WeakHashtable.valueEqual(Value v)
 boolean SynchronizedHashtable.valueEqual(Value v)
abstract  boolean HashtableBase.valueEqual(Value v)
 boolean Hashtable.valueEqual(Value v)

Uses of Value in

Subclasses of Value in
 class BinaryIO
static class BinaryIO.Index
 class Buffer
 class BufferIO
static class BufferIO.Index
 class CustomIO
static class CustomIO.Index
static class FileManipulation.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class FileManipulation.Index
          The Index
static class FileManipulation.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
 class IO
static class IO.Index
 class Networking
static class Networking.Index
static class Networking.SchemeMulticastUDPSocket
static class Networking.SchemeServerSocket
static class Networking.SchemeSocket
static class Networking.SchemeTCPSocket
static class Networking.SchemeUDPSocket
 class SerialIO
static class SerialIO.Index
 class StringIO
static class StringIO.Index

Methods in that return Value
 Value StringIO.apply()
 Value StringIO.apply(Value v1)
 Value FileManipulation.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value FileManipulation.Complex.apply(Value v1)
 Value CustomIO.apply(Value v1)
 Value FileManipulation.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value CustomIO.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value StringIO.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value SerialIO.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value Networking.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value IO.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value FileManipulation.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value CustomIO.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value BufferIO.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value BinaryIO.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value IO.displayOrWrite(Interpreter r, SchemeCharacterOutputPort port, Value v, boolean display)
 Value SerialIO.doApply(Interpreter f)
 Value Networking.doApply(Interpreter f)
 Value IO.doApply(Interpreter f)
 Value BufferIO.doApply(Interpreter f)
 Value BinaryIO.doApply(Interpreter f)
static Value r, SchemeCharacterInputPort i)
static Value IO.readCode(Interpreter r, SchemeCharacterInputPort i)
static Value SerialIO.readSer(Interpreter r, SerialInputStream p)
static Value SerialIO.writeSer(Interpreter r, SerialOutputStream p, Value v)

Methods in with parameters of type Value
 Value StringIO.apply(Value v1)
 Value FileManipulation.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value FileManipulation.Complex.apply(Value v1)
 Value CustomIO.apply(Value v1)
 Value FileManipulation.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value CustomIO.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
static CustomPort CustomIO.customport(Value o)
 Value IO.displayOrWrite(Interpreter r, SchemeCharacterOutputPort port, Value v, boolean display)
static FileManipulation.fileHandle(Value o)
static Networking.SchemeMulticastUDPSocket Networking.mcastsock(Value o)
static Networking.SchemeServerSocket Networking.serversock(Value o)
static SerialInputStream SerialIO.sinport(Value o)
static Networking.SchemeSocket Networking.sock(Value o)
static SerialOutputStream SerialIO.soutport(Value o)
static Value SerialIO.writeSer(Interpreter r, SerialOutputStream p, Value v)

Uses of Value in sisc.modules.record

Subclasses of Value in sisc.modules.record
 class Record

Methods in sisc.modules.record that return Value
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Primitives.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Primitives.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Primitives.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value Record.getSlot(int idx)
 Value Record.getType()

Methods in sisc.modules.record with parameters of type Value
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value Primitives.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Primitives.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Primitives.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
static Record Primitives.record(Value o)
 void Record.setSlot(int idx, Value v)
 void Record.setType(Value v)
 boolean Record.valueEqual(Value v)

Constructors in sisc.modules.record with parameters of type Value
Record(Value type, int sz)

Uses of Value in sisc.modules.s2j

Subclasses of Value in sisc.modules.s2j
 class Conversion
static class Conversion.Index
 class JavaNull
 class JavaObject
 class JavaPrimitive
 class Operation
static class Operation.Index
 class Reflection
static class Reflection.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class Reflection.Index
          The Index
static class Reflection.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
 class Util

Methods in sisc.modules.s2j that return Value
 Value Reflection.Simple.apply()
 Value Reflection.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value Conversion.apply(Value v1)
 Value Reflection.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Conversion.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Reflection.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value Reflection.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value Operation.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value Conversion.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
 Value Operation.doApply(Interpreter f)
static Value Util.objArrayToVec(java.lang.Object[] objs)

Methods in sisc.modules.s2j with parameters of type Value
 Value Reflection.Simple.apply(Value v1)
 Value Conversion.apply(Value v1)
 Value Reflection.Simple.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Conversion.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value Reflection.Complex.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
static java.lang.Class Util.jclass(Value o)
static java.lang.reflect.Constructor Util.jconstr(Value o)
static java.lang.reflect.Field Util.jfield(Value o)
static java.lang.reflect.Method Util.jmethod(Value o)
static java.lang.Object Util.jobj(Value o)
static int Util.jtype(Value o)
static JavaObject Util.sjobj(Value o)
 boolean JavaObject.valueEqual(Value v)
 boolean JavaNull.valueEqual(Value v)

Uses of Value in sisc.nativefun

Subclasses of Value in sisc.nativefun
 class CommonIndexedProcedure
          CommonIndexedProcedure is a helper class intended to unify the interfaces of fixable and non-fixable procedures, so that development of native libraries is more consistent and flexible.
 class FixableProcedure
          A fixable procedure is a Scheme procedure similar to a NativeProcedure, but which does not need access to the Interpreter to be implemented, causes no side-effects, and requires three or fewer arguments.
 class IndexedFixableProcedure
          An indexed procedure contains the implementation of many native procedures, indexed by an integer.
 class IndexedLibraryAdapter
 class IndexedProcedure
          An indexed procedure contains the implementation of many native procedures, indexed by an integer.
 class NativeLibrary
          A Native Library is a collection of bindings that can be imported into any environment in SISC.
static class NativeModuleTemplate.Complex
          The Complex procedures either have a side effect, or require the interpreter to execute
static class NativeModuleTemplate.Index
          The Index
static class NativeModuleTemplate.Simple
          The Simple procedures are purely functional procedures which do not need to access interpreter registers to execute
 class NativeProcedure
          A native procedure is a Scheme procedure whose behavior when applied is implemented in Java code.

Methods in sisc.nativefun that return Value
 Value FixableProcedure.apply()
          A fixable procedure must subclass one of the following methods
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply()
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Interpreter r, Value v1)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Interpreter r, Value[] v)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Interpreter r, Value v1, Value v2)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Interpreter r, Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value FixableProcedure.apply(Value v1)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Value v1)
 Value FixableProcedure.apply(Value[] v)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Value[] vlr)
 Value FixableProcedure.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value FixableProcedure.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.applyZero(Interpreter r)
          A common indexed procedure must subclass one of the following methods
 Value NativeModuleTemplate.Index.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
abstract  Value IndexedLibraryAdapter.construct(java.lang.Object context, int id)
abstract  Value NativeProcedure.doApply(Interpreter r)
          A NativeProcedure instance must implement this method, which performs the actual processing specific to that procedure, and returns a Value.
 Value FixableProcedure.doApply(Interpreter r)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.doApply(Interpreter r)
abstract  Value NativeLibrary.getBindingValue(Interpreter r, Symbol name)
 Value IndexedLibraryAdapter.getBindingValue(Interpreter r, Symbol name)

Methods in sisc.nativefun with parameters of type Value
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Interpreter r, Value v1)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Interpreter r, Value[] v)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Interpreter r, Value v1, Value v2)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Interpreter r, Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value FixableProcedure.apply(Value v1)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Value v1)
 Value FixableProcedure.apply(Value[] v)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Value[] vlr)
 Value FixableProcedure.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Value v1, Value v2)
 Value FixableProcedure.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)

Uses of Value in sisc.reader

Methods in sisc.reader that return Value
 Value Parser.nextExpression( is)
protected  Value Parser.nextExpression( is, java.util.HashMap state, int flags, Pair anns)
 Value Parser.nextExpression( is, int radix, int flags)
 Value Parser.nextExpression( is, int radix, int flags, Pair anns)
          Reads an s-expression from the given input port.
 Value Parser.nextExpression( is, int flags, Pair anns)
 Value Parser.readList( is, java.util.HashMap state, java.lang.Integer def, int flags, Pair anns)

Uses of Value in sisc.ser

Subclasses of Value in sisc.ser
 class LibraryAE
          An SymEnv backed by a random-access library.

Methods in sisc.ser that return Value
 Value[] DeserializerImpl.readValueArray()
 Value[] Deserializer.readValueArray()

Methods in sisc.ser with parameters of type Value
 int s, Value v)
          Catch all occurences of sets and note them for when we serialize

Uses of Value in sisc.util

Fields in sisc.util declared as Value
static Value[] Util.ZV

Methods in sisc.util that return Value
static Value Util.assq(Value v, Pair p)
static Value InternedValue.deserResolve(Symbol name, java.lang.Class clazz)
 Value InternedValue.getValue()
 Value FreeReference.getValue()
static Value Util.javaWrap(java.lang.Object o)
static Value Util.memq(Value v, Pair p)
static Value[] Util.pairToValues(Pair p)
static Value expr)

Methods in sisc.util with parameters of type Value
static AnnotatedExpr Util.annotated(Value o)
static Value Util.assq(Value v, Pair p)
static SchemeBinaryInputPort Util.bininport(Value o)
static Util.bininstream(Value o)
static SchemeBinaryOutputPort Util.binoutport(Value o)
static Util.binoutstream(Value o)
static Box o)
static char Util.character(Value c)
static SchemeCharacterInputPort Util.charinport(Value o)
static Util.charinreader(Value o)
static SchemeCharacterOutputPort Util.charoutport(Value o)
static Util.charoutwriter(Value o)
static SchemeCharacter Util.chr(Value o)
static CallFrame Util.cont(Value o)
 void FreeReference.define(Value v)
static SymbolicEnvironment Util.env(Value o)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, Value errormessage)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, Value where, java.lang.String errormessage)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, Value where, java.lang.String errormessage, java.lang.Exception e)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, Value where, java.lang.String errormessage, Pair moreData)
static Expression Util.expr(Value o)
static ImmutablePair Util.immutablePair(Value o)
static ImmutableVector Util.immutableVector(Value o)
static InputPort Util.inport(Value o)
static InternedValue InternedValue.intern(Symbol name, Value value)
static Pair Util.list(Value o1)
static Pair Util.list(Value o1, Value o2)
static Pair Util.list(Value o1, Value o2, Value o3)
static Pair Util.list(Value o1, Value o2, Value o3, Value o4)
static Pair Util.list(Value o1, Value o2, Value o3, Value o4, Value o5)
static InternedValue InternedValue.lookupByValue(Value value)
static Value Util.memq(Value v, Pair p)
static NativeLibrary Util.nlib(Value o)
static Quantity Util.num(Value o)
static OutputPort Util.outport(Value o)
static Pair Util.pair(Value o)
static Procedure Util.proc(Value o)
 void FreeReference.setValue(Value v)
static SchemeString Util.str(Value o)
static java.lang.String Util.string(Value o)
static Symbol Util.symbol(Value o)
static java.lang.String Util.symval(Value o)
static Pair Util.truePair(Value o)
static boolean Util.truth(Value v)
static void Util.typeError(java.lang.String type, Value o)
static void Util.typeError(Symbol bundleName, java.lang.String type, Value o)
static void Util.updateName(Value v, Symbol s)
static Util.url(Value v)
static Util.url(Value current, Value v)
static Pair Util.valArrayToList(Value[] r)
static Pair Util.valArrayToList(Value[] r, int offset, int len)
static SchemeVector Util.valArrayToVec(Value[] r)
static SchemeVector Util.vec(Value o)