Uses of Class

Packages that use Interpreter

Uses of Interpreter in sisc.compiler

Methods in sisc.compiler with parameters of type Interpreter
static Expression Compiler.application(Interpreter r, Expression rator, Expression[] rands, int context, Pair annotation, SymbolicEnvironment env)
protected  Expression Compiler.compile(Interpreter r, Expression v, Pair sets, sisc.compiler.Compiler.ReferenceFactory rf, int context, SymbolicEnvironment env, Pair an)
 Expression Compiler.compile(Interpreter r, Expression v, SymbolicEnvironment env)
 Expression Compiler.compileApp(Interpreter r, Pair expr, Pair sets, sisc.compiler.Compiler.ReferenceFactory rf, int context, SymbolicEnvironment env, Pair an)
 Expression Compiler.compileLetrec(Interpreter r, Symbol[] formals, Symbol[] lexicals, Expression[] rands, Expression body, Pair sets, sisc.compiler.Compiler.ReferenceFactory rf, SymbolicEnvironment env, int context)
 void Syntax.eval(Interpreter r)
static Expression Compiler.makeFillRib(Interpreter r, Expression lastRand, Expression rand, int pos, Expression nxp, boolean immediate)

Uses of Interpreter in

Methods in with parameters of type Interpreter
 void Value.apply(Interpreter r)
abstract  void Procedure.apply(Interpreter r)
          Called when applying this procedure to a number of arguments in the Interpreter's vlr register.
 void Closure.apply(Interpreter r)
static void Procedure.error(Interpreter r, Value where, NestedPrimRuntimeException parent)
 void Values.eval(Interpreter r)
 void Value.eval(Interpreter r)
          Called to evaluate this value.
abstract  void Expression.eval(Interpreter r)
          All expressions can be evaluated to some Scheme value.
 Value SchemeThread.getResult(Interpreter r)
 Value Value.getValue(Interpreter r)
          Called to obtain the value of this Value.
 Value Immediate.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value Expression.getValue(Interpreter r)
          If an expression implements the Immediate interface, it must override getValue, which returns as a Value, the immediate value of this expression.

Uses of Interpreter in sisc.env

Methods in sisc.env with parameters of type Interpreter
 void Parameter.apply(Interpreter r)
static Value[] LexicalUtils.fixLexicals(Interpreter r, int lcount, int[] locs, int[] lexs)
 Value SchemeParameter.getValue(Interpreter r)
abstract  Value Parameter.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value NativeParameter.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value ConfigParameter.getValue(Interpreter r)
 void SchemeParameter.setValue(Interpreter r, Value v)
abstract  void Parameter.setValue(Interpreter r, Value v)
 void NativeParameter.setValue(Interpreter r, Value v)

Uses of Interpreter in sisc.exprs

Methods in sisc.exprs with parameters of type Interpreter
 void LetrecEval.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
 void IfEval.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
 void FillRibExp.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
 void EvalExp.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
 void AppExp.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
 void AnnotatedExpr.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
 void UnboxExp.eval(Interpreter r)
 void SetboxEval.eval(Interpreter r)
 void LocalReferenceExp.eval(Interpreter r)
 void LexicalReferenceExp.eval(Interpreter r)
 void LetrecExp.eval(Interpreter r)
 void LetrecEval.eval(Interpreter r)
 void LambdaExp.eval(Interpreter r)
 void IfEval.eval(Interpreter r)
 void FreeSetEval.eval(Interpreter r)
 void FreeReferenceExp.eval(Interpreter r)
 void FillRibExp.eval(Interpreter r)
 void EvalExp.eval(Interpreter r)
 void DefineEval.eval(Interpreter r)
 void ApplyValuesContEval.eval(Interpreter r)
 void AppExp.eval(Interpreter r)
 void AppEval.eval(Interpreter r)
 void AnnotatedExpr.eval(Interpreter r)
 Value UnboxExp.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value LocalReferenceExp.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value LexicalReferenceExp.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value LambdaExp.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value FreeReferenceExp.getValue(Interpreter r)
 Value AnnotatedExpr.getValue(Interpreter r)
 void FreeSetEval.setValue(Interpreter r, Value v)

Uses of Interpreter in sisc.exprs.fp

Methods in sisc.exprs.fp with parameters of type Interpreter
 void OptimisticHost.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
          Instructs the host to replace the uExp referenced at the given (Expression dependent) position, with the given Expression.
 void FixedAppExp_1.alter(Interpreter r, int uexpPosition, Expression replaceWith)
 Value FixedAppExp_3.doGetValue(FixableProcedure proc, Interpreter r)
 Value FixedAppExp_2.doGetValue(FixableProcedure proc, Interpreter r)
 Value FixedAppExp_1.doGetValue(FixableProcedure proc, Interpreter r)
 Value FixedAppExp_0.doGetValue(FixableProcedure proc, Interpreter r)
 void FixedAppExp_0.eval(Interpreter r)
 void FixedAppExp_0.forceRevert(Interpreter r)
 Value FixedAppExp_0.getValue(Interpreter r)
 void FixedAppExp_0.revert(Interpreter r)
 void FixedAppExp_0.revert(Interpreter r, Expression[] rands)
 void FixedAppExp_0.revert(Interpreter r, Expression[] rands, int flags)

Uses of Interpreter in sisc.interpreter

Fields in sisc.interpreter declared as Interpreter
 Interpreter ThreadContext.State.interpreter

Methods in sisc.interpreter that return Interpreter
 Interpreter ThreadContext.currentInterpreter()
          state stack maintenance
static Interpreter Context.currentInterpreter()
          Fetches the current Interpreter, if this is an internal call (that is, a call from Java to Scheme in the contex of a Scheme->Java call).
 Interpreter ThreadContext.currentInterpreter(AppContext ctx)
static Interpreter Context.currentInterpreter(AppContext ctx)
          Fetches the nearest enclosing Interpreter that operates on a given AppContext, if this is an internal call (that is, a call from Java to Scheme in the contex of a Scheme->Java call).
static Interpreter Context.enter()
          Returns an Interpreter that shares the AppContext and DynamicEnvironment with the current Interpreter.
static Interpreter Context.enter(AppContext ctx)
          Returns an Interpreter bound to the given AppContext with same DynamicEnvironment as the nearest enclosing Interpreter in the same thread that is bound to the same AppContext.
static Interpreter Context.enter(DynamicEnvironment dynenv)
          Returns an Interpreter bound to the given DynamicEnvironment.
static Interpreter Context.enter(java.lang.String appName)
          Deprecated. use Context.enter(AppContext) instead

Methods in sisc.interpreter with parameters of type Interpreter
 void CallFrame.apply(Interpreter r)
 void ApplyParentFrame.apply(Interpreter r)
 CallFrame CallFrame.capture(Interpreter r)
 void Interpreter.ThrowSchemeException.eval(Interpreter r)
 java.lang.Object SchemeCaller.execute(Interpreter r)
          The execute callback function is called by Context with a fresh Interpreter context which is valid only during the call to execute.

Constructors in sisc.interpreter with parameters of type Interpreter
ThreadContext.State(Interpreter r, java.lang.ClassLoader cl)

Uses of Interpreter in sisc.modules

Methods in sisc.modules with parameters of type Interpreter
 Value Threads.Complex.apply(Interpreter f, Value v1)
 Value Primitives.Complex.doApply(Interpreter r)
 Value Debugging.doApply(Interpreter f)
 Value Primitives.Complex.doApply(Interpreter r, Value[] vlr)
 Value R5RS.getBindingValue(Interpreter r, Symbol name)
 Symbol[] R5RS.getLibraryBindingNames(Interpreter r)

Uses of Interpreter in

Methods in with parameters of type Interpreter
 Value IO.displayOrWrite(Interpreter r, SchemeCharacterOutputPort port, Value v, boolean display)
 Value SerialIO.doApply(Interpreter f)
 Value Networking.doApply(Interpreter f)
 Value IO.doApply(Interpreter f)
 Value BufferIO.doApply(Interpreter f)
 Value BinaryIO.doApply(Interpreter f)
 SchemeBinaryInputPort Networking.SchemeTCPSocket.getBinaryInputPort(Interpreter r)
 SchemeBinaryInputPort Networking.SchemeUDPSocket.getBinaryInputPort(Interpreter r)
 SchemeBinaryOutputPort Networking.SchemeTCPSocket.getBinaryOutputPort(Interpreter r, boolean autoflush)
 SchemeBinaryOutputPort Networking.SchemeUDPSocket.getBinaryOutputPort(Interpreter r, boolean autoflush)
 SchemeCharacterOutputPort Networking.SchemeTCPSocket.getCharacterOutputPort(Interpreter r, Charset encoding, boolean autoflush)
 SchemeCharacterOutputPort Networking.SchemeUDPSocket.getCharacterOutputPort(Interpreter r, Charset encoding, boolean autoflush)
 SchemeCharacterInputPort Networking.SchemeTCPSocket.getInputPort(Interpreter r, Charset encoding)
 SchemeCharacterInputPort Networking.SchemeUDPSocket.getInputPort(Interpreter r, Charset encoding)
static void IO.load(Interpreter f, u, boolean expanded)
static SchemeCharacterInputPort IO.openCharInFile(Interpreter f, u, Charset encoding)
static SchemeCharacterOutputPort IO.openCharOutFile(Interpreter f, url, Charset encoding, boolean aflush)
static Value r, SchemeCharacterInputPort i)
static Value IO.readCode(Interpreter r, SchemeCharacterInputPort i)
static Value SerialIO.readSer(Interpreter r, SerialInputStream p)
static void IO.throwIOException(Interpreter f, java.lang.String message, e)
static Value SerialIO.writeSer(Interpreter r, SerialOutputStream p, Value v)

Uses of Interpreter in sisc.modules.s2j

Methods in sisc.modules.s2j with parameters of type Interpreter
 Value Operation.doApply(Interpreter f)

Uses of Interpreter in sisc.nativefun

Methods in sisc.nativefun with parameters of type Interpreter
 void NativeProcedure.apply(Interpreter r)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Interpreter r, Value v1)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Interpreter r, Value[] v)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Interpreter r, Value v1, Value v2)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.apply(Interpreter r, Value v1, Value v2, Value v3)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.applyZero(Interpreter r)
          A common indexed procedure must subclass one of the following methods
 void NativeLibrary.bindAll(Interpreter r, SymbolicEnvironment env)
abstract  Value NativeProcedure.doApply(Interpreter r)
          A NativeProcedure instance must implement this method, which performs the actual processing specific to that procedure, and returns a Value.
 Value FixableProcedure.doApply(Interpreter r)
 Value CommonIndexedProcedure.doApply(Interpreter r)
abstract  Value NativeLibrary.getBindingValue(Interpreter r, Symbol name)
 Value IndexedLibraryAdapter.getBindingValue(Interpreter r, Symbol name)
abstract  Symbol[] NativeLibrary.getLibraryBindingNames(Interpreter r)
 Symbol[] IndexedLibraryAdapter.getLibraryBindingNames(Interpreter r)

Uses of Interpreter in sisc.util

Methods in sisc.util with parameters of type Interpreter
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, Pair error)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, java.lang.String errormessage)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, java.lang.String errormessage, Pair moreData)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, Value errormessage)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, Value where, java.lang.String errormessage)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, Value where, java.lang.String errormessage, java.lang.Exception e)
static void Util.error(Interpreter r, Value where, java.lang.String errormessage, Pair moreData)
 java.lang.Object SignalHook.SignalHandler.execute(Interpreter r)